Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cold and Crusty Outside, Crusty Inside?

So I am in love with canning and freezing foods. Especially when they can become my favorite comfort foods. I have been craving chicken potpie, that will have to be another days work. So I made 3 piecrusts for the freezer. Here is the recipe:

     3 C. All Purpose Flour
     1/2 tsp. Salt
     1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
     1/2 lb Lard
Pretty Simple.
1. Put the dry ingredients in the food processor and then add the lard. Pulse. I cannot stress this enough, pulse. It needs to incorporate and if your not careful the food processor will sling the dough around and not incorporate. Dough resembles coarse crumbs.

2. Put flour on the clean surface and divide the dough into 3 equal balls. I add a bunch of flour to the dough, because nothing is more disgusting and annoying than trying to get dough into a bag or out of. However when you are ready to bake add a couple of spoonfuls of water.

The image above, is showing my Tupperware piecrust sizing sheet, the circles are how large to make the dough. I always check before I freeze to make sure it will actually make the correct size. Because there is nothing worse than not freezing enough dough.

Now for your smile of the day, below are sock monkey slippers, yes there is flour on them and dough on the floor. Just a hint, clean the kitchen afterwards, not before.
 Some days the sock monkeys log more mileage than my shoes. Sad, but its winter.


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